Simplify your GST calculations with our GST Calculator for India. Input your amount and GST rate, and choose whether the amount is GST-inclusive or exclusive to get the base amount, GST, and total amount – created by Mr. Dhananjoy Ghosh.
What is GST?
GST (Goods and Services Tax) is an indirect tax in India applied to the supply of goods and services.
How is GST calculated?
For GST Exclusive: GST = Amount × (Rate / 100), Total = Amount + GST. For GST Inclusive: GST = Amount × (Rate / (100 + Rate)), Base = Amount - GST.
What are common GST rates in India?
Common rates are 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%, depending on the goods/services.
What’s the difference between inclusive and exclusive?
Exclusive means GST is added to the base amount; Inclusive means GST is part of the total amount.
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