Simplify your VAT calculations with our VAT Calculator. Input your amount and VAT rate, and choose whether the amount is VAT-inclusive or exclusive to get the base amount, VAT, and total amount – created by Mr. Dhananjoy Ghosh.
What is VAT?
VAT (Value Added Tax) is a consumption tax levied on the value added to goods and services at each stage of production or distribution.
How is VAT calculated?
For VAT Exclusive: VAT = Amount × (Rate / 100), Total = Amount + VAT. For VAT Inclusive: VAT = Amount × (Rate / (100 + Rate)), Base = Amount - VAT.
What are common VAT rates?
VAT rates vary by country (e.g., 20% in the UK, 19% in Germany). Enter your local rate.
What’s the difference between inclusive and exclusive?
Exclusive means VAT is added to the base amount; Inclusive means VAT is part of the total amount.
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