Expiry Date Calculator

Calculate the time remaining to an expiry date – created by Mr. Dhananjoy Ghosh.

Expiry Date Calculator


Your Expiry Date Calculation Toolkit

Our Expiry Date Calculator helps you determine the exact time remaining from now (in Indian Standard Time, UTC+05:30) to an expiry date. Simply enter the expiry date and click "Check Time Remaining" to see the days left. India does not observe Daylight Saving Time (DST).

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Expiry Date Calculator work?
The calculator computes the time difference between the current IST time and your expiry date when you click "Check Time Remaining."

Do I need to enter a date?
Yes, you must enter an expiry date to calculate the time remaining.

Can I check time remaining for past dates?
No, the calculator only works for future dates; past dates will show as expired.

Is this calculation accurate for leap years?
Yes, the calculator accounts for leap years in its time difference calculations.

Does it consider Indian Standard Time?
Yes, the calculation uses the current time in IST (UTC+05:30).

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