Tax & Salary Calculators

"Manage Your Finances with Explore our comprehensive suite of tax and salary calculators, including the Income Tax Calculator, GST Calculator, VAT Calculator, UK Salary Calculator, PAYE Tax Calculator, Property Tax Calculator, Capital Gains Tax Calculator, Council Tax Band Checker, Payroll Calculator, and Paycheck Calculator. Each tool is expertly created by Mr. Dhananjoy Ghosh .

Income Tax Calculator

GST Calculator

VAT Calculator

UK Salary Calculator

PAYE Tax Calculator

Property Tax Calculator

Capital Gains Tax Calculator

Council Tax Band Checker

Dividend Tax Calculator

Self-Employed Tax Calculator


Your Tax & Salary Toolkit

Simplify your tax and salary calculations with our tools – from income tax to self-employed taxes – created by Mr. Dhananjoy Ghosh.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I calculate income tax?
Enter your annual income and choose a tax regime (India example).

What’s GST?
Goods and Services Tax is a percentage added to the base amount.

Can I calculate UK taxes?
Yes, tools like PAYE and Dividend Tax are based on UK rules!

How does the council tax band work?
It estimates your UK council tax band based on property value.

Think Green

"Save Trees, Save Life"

Contact Us

Email: | Phone: 9635221315 | Address: Ghoshkira, Chandrokona Road, West Bengal, 721253 | Support: 24/7
