Our Age Calculator helps you determine your exact age down to the second. Simply enter your birth date and an optional end date (defaults to today in IST if not specified) to see your precise age in various units of time. Note: India does not observe Daylight Saving Time (DST).
How does the Age Calculator work?
The calculator finds the difference between two dates, showing your age in years, months, days, and even down to seconds.
Do I need to enter an end date?
No, if you leave the end date empty, the calculator will use today's date (March 10, 2025, IST) automatically.
Can I calculate age for future dates?
Yes, enter a future end date to see how old you will be on that specific date.
Is this calculation accurate for leap years?
Yes, our calculator accounts for leap years in its calculations.
Does it consider Indian Standard Time?
Yes, the default end date is set to IST (UTC+05:30). India does not observe DST.
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